Suggested destinations: South West: Gili Poh, Gili Nanggu, Gili Tangkok and Gili Kedis (60km from Café Alberto)
We suggest you to follow the main road to Lembar and then proceed to Tawun Bay. After a nice ride through rice fields, fisherman villages and teak trees you will reach Tawun Bay in about an hour and 30 minutes either by car or motorcycle. At Tawun Bay there will be traditional boats available for rent and use to discover the four Gilis. Don’t forget to bring your snorkeling equipment.
We suggest you to follow the main road to Lembar and then proceed to Tawun Bay. After a nice ride through rice fields, fisherman villages and teak trees you will reach Tawun Bay in about an hour and 30 minutes either by car or motorcycle. At Tawun Bay there will be traditional boats available for rent and use to discover the four Gilis. Don’t forget to bring your snorkeling equipment.